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Clore: How to setup PoH (Proof of Holding)

One of the great features of Clore.AI is the Proof of Holding mechanism, which gives you discounts on marketplace orders, added bonus when renting your GPU, and random airdrops. Setting this up is actually very simple, and below I’ll go into details of how to do this.

Sign a Message

The first step is to open the Clore wallet, and in the top right corner select File -> Sign Message

This will bring up another window where you need to select your address you want to sign a message for. Click the address book icon, select your address, then type in text (or any random string), and click Sign Message. This will output the signature, click the icon next to it to copy the signature.

KEEP THIS WINDOW OPEN you will need it in the next step below.

Add Wallet to Clore.AI

The next step is adding your wallet(s) to is to head on over to the Proof of Holding page, and in the top right corner you will see Add Wallet:

Click on this button to add any of your wallets and you will see a modal pop up that looks like the image below. Copy and paste your address and the signature value from the step above. For Message enter in the string value you used in the step above.

Click Submit and a loader will appear. This process can take up to 2 or 3 minutes, be patient.

Eventually you will see the wallet has been added. Refresh the page, and you’ve now added your wallet address to Proof of Holding!

Repeat the process for any other addresses you have!

Here’s a video walkthrough of this as well (POH starts around 7:20 in):
